Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer has always represented change in one way or another. When we were young and school closed for summer vacation it was the best time of our lives, we didn't have a care in the world. The only stress we had to endure was should we go to the pool or beach? what was for lunch or at worst our friends were allowed to stay out a little later than we were at night.

As we got to our teens the summer months represented something totally different. Some of us had summer jobs and we also started looking to September a little sooner than usual because not only were there changes in our lives happening, but there was a definite change in the way girls started to look from the end of the school year to the beginning of next school year.

During our many months of summer vacations throughout our childhood one thing remained constant; and that one thing was a simple formula to judge our summer vacations. Every summer will be evaluated based on the previous summer and will be remembered by just simply asking the question "Remember summer 05' or that road trip in summer 06' etc, etc..

Well fast forward through all of the bbq's, beach days and vacations we have taken in the past because this summer has been one of big change. This summer as most of my friends settle into married life in their recently moved into houses and as backyard bbq's are replaced with weddings and engagement parties I am curious to know the answer of the most popular question in my head "What's next?"

In July two significant occurrences have taken place that will profoundly shape my memories about Summer '08. First I am now an uncle to a beautiful baby girl and one of my best friends and a current roommate is moving out of state.

Each occurrence has me running a gauntlet of emotions from absolute joy to absolute sadness and each day is different, sometimes each hour is different. So as I see my friend off as she starts her new life I can't help but wonder what the rest of the summer of '08 will bring?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July

The 4th of July is viewed by many as just another holiday and this year especially because of the 3 day weekend. I challenge anyone and everyone who happens to read this to research and find out just one actual reason we celebrate 4th of July.

I did this myself this year and honestly it made a world of difference. I do view it a little different and it has enhanced my pride in this country, well a little bit, it still doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy about the direction we are heading. Moving forward, a little research can go a long way, so find out what the 4th of July really means and that just may help you understand a little bit about history because you will never fully understand what lies ahead if you have no idea what is behind you.

Happy Independence day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Your wearing that to work?

Let me preface this entire rant by stating I am typing away in my shorts, t-shirt and sandals and yes I have the same dress code at work.

Growing up my father gave me advice and one piece of advice that completely stuck with me (maybe not this second because I love wearing shorts and sandals) was "Your not dressing for the job you have; you are dressing for the job you want!" At first this made no sense to me, my thoughts were that when I got out of school I would land my dream job and that would be it for the rest of my life, oh to be that naive again. Well as you all have learned life happens and sometimes you have to make changes and sometimes jobs are just that, they are not your career.

Working in NYC you tend to see many more people from all walks of life, young, old, small, big, skinny, fat, bald, hairy etc, etc. Unfortunately along with this I tend to come across too many people that have no idea how to dress to step outside, never mind how to dress for the workplace. This is something that has really gotten to me over the past couple of years. More and more especially in the summer you see people, mainly women, sorry ladies but it's true, wearing very inappropriate clothing to work.

There are so many examples that make me shake my head daily. For instance, although it can get warm, we are not on the sun, it is not 110 degrees, it is not appropriate to wear a dress that looks like its meant to cover a bathing suit at the beach, in other words its way to short and low to be wearing to work. Okay here is another one; this one is a little disturbing and again sorry to pick on the ladies, what is with the leggings, I personally like them, but they aren't for everyone! and probably should only be worn to work with a long shirt, in other words cover your butt! or if it looks like your butt is eating your pants, you probably shouldn't squeeze yourself into them, if you have to cut them off at the end of the day, don't wear them to work.

As far as men go button your shirts, we don't need to see the Raul the pool guy look, if you don't want to shave your chest that's is totally understandable, it is not something for everyone, but please cover it up, it looks like you guys are wearing sweaters under your button down shirts. Also sleeves should always be worn to work, you are not on vacation and it is never appropriate to wear ripped sleeves or sleeveless shirts at work, and this goes for the tank tops also.

Last for this blog, there are so many things i want to write, but with the risk of offending many people I will leave this as is. Please anyone considering sandals, flip-flops or open toe shoes just make sure you are not going to make others sick. Clean yourself up a little, maybe even a pedicure, and this is for both the guys and ladies.

Remember - you never know who you are going to meet and what opportunity that could lead to "Dress for the job you want next, not the one you have now!"

Sidebar: Bare feet in the office is just gross!!!!